Friday, September 22, 2006

KingMax USB FLash

Have you ever experienced when your favourite USB thumb drive or flash drive failed? I have two thumb drives which are 64MB and 128MB. The 64MB carries an APACER brand which cost about RM 120 in 2003. Today, the prices for USB flash drive are getting cheaper. I apparently ‘stole’ the 128MB from my dad’s collection of USB drives.

Unfortunately, two days ago my dad’s KINGMAX USB drive just failed. The light indicator stops blinking and no matter how much I banged it against the surface of my desk and threw against the wall. The blue and black USB flash drive just stops working. All the important data are lost. I remembered when my room mate accidentally had his USB thumb drive wash in a washing machine. Luckily, the APACER USB flash drive stills work after he dismantled and dried.

So far I have some experience in using OMNET++, NS-2 and MIRAI-SF which is based on SSFnet network simulator. You can find more information on the simulators by using the google search. I just found out there is a commercial of OMNET++ called OMNEST.

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