Monday, December 04, 2006

Rate Queuing

I already coded a simple packet scheduler with rate based queuing. However, there is still room for improvement due to some flaws in the code that I did not notice. In the RFC 4594 gave a analogy of rate based queuing.

a rate-based queuing system is a combination of a set ofqueues and a scheduler that empties each at a specified rate. An example of a rate-based queuing system is a road intersection with a stoplight. The stoplight acts as a scheduler, giving each lane a certain opportunity to pass traffic through the intersection.

Saya telah menprogramkan 'packet scheduler' yang mempunyai 'rate-based queuing'. Walau bagaimanapun program tersebut boleh diperbaiki kerana masih terdapat kesalahan yang belum dikenal pasti. Di dalam dokumen standard RFC 4594, memberi satu contoh tentang 'rate-based queuing' seperti tercatat di atas. 'Scheduer' digambarkan sebagai sebuah lampu isyarat yang memberi isyarat kepada setiap persimpangan jalan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eh, kashah, kau dah buat lama ya? tulis semua progress kau kat sini. kau check blog aku nanti: