Thursday, November 09, 2006

MIRAI-SF UDP Trace does not include bit length information

Calculating throughput using the byte information in the MAC Layer 2 only produce the aggregated throughput of data packets and protocol message. The throughput Perl Script use to trace ns-2 network simulator trace file is modified so that it can process MIRAI-SF network simulator log file.

A reminder to myself,I have to modify the traceUDP method in MIRAI-SF TraceLog class so it can include byte information. I was wandering why the developer left this out. The developer did made the TCP trace to include the bit length information. NS-2 trace also include the bit length of data payload which is called packet length. Perhaps, I can calculate the end-to-end to delay using the modified AWK script.

note: It is ok to measure in frame because it reflects the utilization of the bandwidth.

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