Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Bye Bye...Halo

I decide to uninstall the Halo game because I kinda like addicted to it. Everytime I switch on the computer, I play game. I play in online multiplayer mode. I managed to get the part c of the Network Management asignment done. I want to print it and reviewed any errors that i have mande. I used the MIB editor to the MIB using SMIv2 standard. It some sort like html editor but this editor for writing MIB. The asignment ask to do a MIB for car. Perhaps in the future cars also given an IP address and can be connected to Internet. I think you could control remotelythe devices in the car for example headlight, car stereo or see through camera. All the father out there, now u can monitor how your children drive the car. Currently, i heard that all phone will be assign IP address because of the 3G thingy. Interesting isnt it?...

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