Monday, December 25, 2006
IPv6 Addressing
I reviewed some concepts on IPv6 Addressing so that I can make changes to Mirai-SF network simulator MNDL simulation script. I refer to Computer Networking (A Top Down Approach Featuring the Itnernet) by Keith W Ross & James F Kurose (Author) and the TCP/IP Guide website on IPv6 addressing topic. MIRAI-SF network simulator MNDL script uses real IPv6 addressing and subnetting to create topology of network.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Screenshot of an Animator

A screenshot of a default simulation MNDL script for FMIPv6 using MIRAI-SF network simulator version 3.1. This is similar to NAM for NS which animates the trace file of a simulation. The wired links have higher bandwidth than wireless link. As a reuslt, the mobile device received less packets than being sent by the correspondent node.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Duration of the Traffic Source
I made some changes to the MNDL simulation script. The duration of the traffic source has been increased since I noticed earlier that the receiving node did not receive any packets during the simulation run. In addition, I added a method to drop packet whenever the buffer is full.
Friday, December 15, 2006
MIRAI-SF4.2 is available now
I just visited the MIRAI-SF website and found out that there is a new release of MIRAI-SF4.2 network simulator. You need to register your particulara and it can be downloaded at here.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Configuring Simulation
Yesterday, I spent the whole day configuring the simulation script. In MIRAI=SF network simulator it is called a MNDL script. In every network simulation, it has a topology of network node. Each node consists of communication stack which is similar to OSI layers. ns network simulator uses TCL script to configure the simulation scenario.
Today,I just found out there is a problem with packet classification. I already make some changes and added few conditions that I did not covered last time.
Today,I just found out there is a problem with packet classification. I already make some changes and added few conditions that I did not covered last time.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Basic concept
I just found out that my text book for computer networking contains all the basic concept for packet scheduling and all the different type of delay definition. I wish I had refer to this book earlier. Arghhh!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Redo and make changes
The packet scheduler that coded by me is wrong. I have wrong idea of how the packet scheduler works. What I need to now is to refer to some reference to polish my understanding of a packet scheduler and basic network.
update on 08/12/2006:
I only have to change the a scheduler process code which only activate for a duration of time.The scheduler have an array list of which queue need to be serve. Every loop the scheduler will remove packet from a different packet. In short, it term of packet scheduler code not many changes I have to make. My code is not yet complicated. There is still room for improvement. However I still need worry about:-
1) The code for traffic generator that simulates background traffic.
2) I have not start on working congestion control.
3) I need to add some behaviour like dropping packet for the packet scheduler.
Scheduler is like a traffic light on the intersection and array list is a procedural list for the traffic light to signal a green light for each of the intersection in clockwise rotation.
update on 08/12/2006:
I only have to change the a scheduler process code which only activate for a duration of time.The scheduler have an array list of which queue need to be serve. Every loop the scheduler will remove packet from a different packet. In short, it term of packet scheduler code not many changes I have to make. My code is not yet complicated. There is still room for improvement. However I still need worry about:-
1) The code for traffic generator that simulates background traffic.
2) I have not start on working congestion control.
3) I need to add some behaviour like dropping packet for the packet scheduler.
Scheduler is like a traffic light on the intersection and array list is a procedural list for the traffic light to signal a green light for each of the intersection in clockwise rotation.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
How to monitor each other progress?
Last night, Kimin and I had a mutual agreement to monitor each other progress in our final project. Since the year 2007 is around the corner, we agreed to use the blog as a medium to monitor our project's progress. We hope through this method it will boost our motivation to finish off the project as soon as possible. Let see how the pact (i.e a new word that I learned to today from Kimin) will turn out. Click here to check out Kimin's UHF RFID Tag Antenna Design Blog.
Malam kelmarin, saya dan Kimin telah berjanji untuk memantau kemajuan projek masing-masing agar kami dapat menyelesaikan projek kami hi hujung tahnun ini. Kami telah berpakat untuk mencatat segala kemajuan di dalam blog untuk setiap minggu. Kami berharap dengan adanya pendekatan sebegini dapat memberi sedikit motivasi kepada diri masing-masing.
Malam kelmarin, saya dan Kimin telah berjanji untuk memantau kemajuan projek masing-masing agar kami dapat menyelesaikan projek kami hi hujung tahnun ini. Kami telah berpakat untuk mencatat segala kemajuan di dalam blog untuk setiap minggu. Kami berharap dengan adanya pendekatan sebegini dapat memberi sedikit motivasi kepada diri masing-masing.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Rate Queuing
I already coded a simple packet scheduler with rate based queuing. However, there is still room for improvement due to some flaws in the code that I did not notice. In the RFC 4594 gave a analogy of rate based queuing.
Saya telah menprogramkan 'packet scheduler' yang mempunyai 'rate-based queuing'. Walau bagaimanapun program tersebut boleh diperbaiki kerana masih terdapat kesalahan yang belum dikenal pasti. Di dalam dokumen standard RFC 4594, memberi satu contoh tentang 'rate-based queuing' seperti tercatat di atas. 'Scheduer' digambarkan sebagai sebuah lampu isyarat yang memberi isyarat kepada setiap persimpangan jalan.
a rate-based queuing system is a combination of a set ofqueues and a scheduler that empties each at a specified rate. An example of a rate-based queuing system is a road intersection with a stoplight. The stoplight acts as a scheduler, giving each lane a certain opportunity to pass traffic through the intersection.
Saya telah menprogramkan 'packet scheduler' yang mempunyai 'rate-based queuing'. Walau bagaimanapun program tersebut boleh diperbaiki kerana masih terdapat kesalahan yang belum dikenal pasti. Di dalam dokumen standard RFC 4594, memberi satu contoh tentang 'rate-based queuing' seperti tercatat di atas. 'Scheduer' digambarkan sebagai sebuah lampu isyarat yang memberi isyarat kepada setiap persimpangan jalan.
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